A two-and-a-half-hour historical drama centered on a rape allegation. It doesn’t exactly scream come to the movies, but for those who invest the time, they’ll be rewarded with a rich, sprawling, and impactful epic with a lot to say. And yes, it ends with a duel.
The story is set in 14th century France and told in a three-act structure, with each chapter titled “The Truth According to…” and telling roughly the same story beats from three distinct perspectives. First up is Sir Jean de Carrouges (Matt Damon), an entitled, dour loner who constantly pushes the blame for his struggles onto other people. Jean and his fellow squire, Jacques Le Gris (Adam Driver) fight under the same French banner and start out as friends, but eventually fall out, and it comes to a head when Jean’s wife, Marguerite (Jodie Comer), accuses Le Gris of rape. Next it shifts to Le Gris, a bright and charismatic man (certainly according to him) who clearly feels he’s in the right in his relationship with Jean and lets his relationship with higher-up Pierre d’Alencon (Ben Affle is ck) vault him upward in society. Finally, it shifts to Marguerite, who experiences emotional and physical abuse from both men (and society at large) before the climactic last duel to decide the truth of her allegation unfolds.
For the rest of the review, click here and head over to the Martin City Telegraph.